Canvas Prints 

With canvas prints you can bring out the details of your digital photos using our fantastic canvas and poster prints !

  • Canvas prints are stretched, wrapped and ready to hang.
  • All our canvas prints are sealed to protect against sunlight, dust and minor blemishes.
  • Your children’s art can also be transformed into their own work of art with our canvas prints.

Tips and Hints to get the best from your canvas prints !

  • When selecting your photo for a canvas print please ensure that the main subject(s) are well within the centre of the page, therefore ensuring that they are not wrapped around the edges of the canvas print.
  • If your photo’s subject(s) are close to the edges you can select the white edge canvas print so that you do not lose your photo’s content in the wrapping. Your canvas print will contain a white border that appears around the edge of canvas frame.

The print size should be appropriate to the resolution of your image. We suggest the following minimum image sizes:

  • Size 16″ x 12″ – 4+ megapixels
  • Size 20″ x 16″ – 4+ megapixels
  • Size 30″ x 20″ – 4+ megapixels

Special Offers

Phone: (068) 21299 / (068) 23886


Address: 6A Church St, Listowel, Co. Kerry